Monday, February 10, 2014

Blog Post 5

Project Based Learning Part 1

The substantive information I received from Anthony Capps is the idea of allowing students to express their own knowledge, skills, and opinions in the classroom. Mr. Capps articulated the importance of having a democratic classroom. Democracy in the classroom allows for students to revise and reflect on their work as well as share their thoughts and ideas to the classroom. I believe Mr. Capps' methods reflect a non-traditional approach to the classroom. It's the idea that the teacher is not the sole possessor of knowledge and information in the classroom. Mr. Capps believes it's essential for his students to be active and engaging in a project that is meaningful in their lives, as well as in the community. Mr. Capps also believes it's important for students to praised when they do solid work. As educators, I believe this is key because our job is not only to educate our students but to inspire them, as well. I have also said before that I believe motivation is another vital element to project based learning. Mr. Capps also harped on the importance of students being excited to learn and explore.

Project Based Learning Part 2

Mr. Capps talked about worksheets and the idea that when his students do them, they know it's beneficial to their success. I have said before in a previous blog post that I hated worksheets when I was in school. So I was fascinated when Mr. Capps talked about conveying to his students the value of worksheets and the benefits of them. Mr. Capps also talked about the importance of having a principal that accepts and appreciates project based learning in the classroom. Mr. Capps talked about having some freedom in the classroom because his boss is so understanding. I believe the central concept to project based learning is for students to be actively engaged in the material and to investigate their own knowledge and information about the topic. I also believe it's key for students to be creative as well as open and honest with their work. Students also should feel free to express their thoughts, ideas, and opinions about the subject matter.

iCurio and Discovery Ed

I was immensely intrigued by Mr. Capps and Dr. Strange's conversation about iCurio and Discovery Ed. Mr. Capps talked about iCurio being a safe internet search engine that allows students to research important topics without the possibility of going to a website that would be deemed inappropriate. I was fascinated about how iCurio allows for students to save and store their work. Mr. Capps also talked about how this resource is useful to all grade levels. iCurio serves students with physical or intellectual disabilities. For someone with an intellectual disability, iCurio will read aloud, relevant information for the student. I believe this online tool is very beneficial for students and is a valuable resource for project based learning. Discovery Ed is a valuable program in the classroom, and it's useful to project based learning. Discovery Ed supplies students with a visual illustration through a video or photo about an interesting topic they are learning about. Discovery Ed provides students the opportunity to research and investigate about an interesting topic and is just another tool to excite students about project based learning.

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I learned a lot of valuable information from "The Anthony - Strange Tips for Teachers Part 1" discussion with Mr. Capps and Dr. Strange. I was intrigued by the idea that teachers have to be continuous learners. Mr. Capps articulated that learning doesn't stop when you get outside of the classroom. Learning is constant, and it's important to have educational discussions with your peers. Mr. Capps talked about teaching is hard work and enjoyable, as well. I have always been a creative and active learner, and I have a passion for educating and inspiring students. I also learned it's key to be flexible as an educator. Difficult situations are going to arise that educators have no control over, so it's essential to be flexible and adjust on the fly. Mr. Capps also talked about presenting information that is interesting and fun for students. Learning is supposed to fun, so allow students to branch out and explore and create with their own knowledge and understanding of the subject matter. I also learned from watching this video that it's key to revise and share your work. From my own personal experience, I am hesitant to share my work or have a peer revise my work out of fear of rejection. This video puts a positive spin on sharing and revising your work.

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I learned a lot of valuable information from "Use Tech Don't Teach It". The first piece of information I learned from watching this video is that students are fascinated by technology. As educators, we don't have to teach technology to our students, but provide them with some basic guidelines on how to use technology appropriately. Technology is changing the way educators instruct their students. Mr. Capps talked about times when his students are teaching him about new tools or resources relating to technology. I also learned that teachers can learn from their students. This video also teaches the importance of allowing students to express creativity and apply their unique skills to technology. I also learned some valuable information from "An Additional Thought About Lessons". Mr. Capps articulated the importance of incorporating a yearly and unit plan into the curriculum. Mr. Capps also harped the importance to plan ahead and not procrastinate about getting meaningful projects done. Students need to be actively engaged in substantive material that is useful to their success. Also, the curriculum has to connect with the students and provide purpose and meaning in their lives, as well.

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1 comment:

  1. Great review. I like how Anthony Capps tells his students why they're doing the work they do. It makes it a lot more meaningful and gives the students a sense of responsibility and maturity.
